Taraful din Baia Mare - Gypsies of Romania

1. Trec tiganii - Gypsies are passing by
2. Doina lui Cozma - Cozma's doina
3. Asa-i viata la tigani - This is the gypsy life
4. Hai la joc - Let's dance
5. So-mbatat tigancile - Gypsy women got drunk
6. A lui Danu - Danu's dance
7. La o margine de drum - At the end of the road
8. Asculta-ti inima - Listen to your heart
9. Inima de tiganca - Gypsy heart
10. Dans din Curtuius - Dance from Curtuius
11. Buna seara, buna seara - Good evening, good evening
12. Cand m-am trezit - When I woke up
13. Mai barbate ce-ai facut - Husband, what have you done
14. Mai dorule - When you miss someone
15. Bade tine-ma bine - Hold me tight
16. Tikhi sej - Little girl
17. M-am intors acasa - I came back home
18. Sunt tigan din tiganie - I am a Gypsy among Gypsies -
19. Invartita - Turn around
20. Haide manca pe ulita - Come with me to the side road
21. Dans din Valeni - Dance from Valeni
22. Mamaliga branza li - Cornbread with cheese
23. Dansul lui Lup - Lup's dance
24. De ce m-ai parasit? - Why did you leave me?
25. Banatana - Dance from Banat.


In by Moroșanul, luni, 6 aprilie 2009

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